4 mei 2016

robots rukken op

Het meest populaire artikel in de FT gisteren ging over robots. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/5a352264-0e26-11e6-ad80-67655613c2d6.html#ixzz47a7rdckg

Dat kwam denk ik door een video van een reporter die met een zeer aaibare robot op stap ging. Het robotje reageerde nogal eens verkeerd, maar dat maakte hem nog meer aaibaar.
Venture capital stroomt naar robots in de VS.
Toch is het China waar de robots het snelste opkomen. China heeft 35% van de nieuwe octrooien, meer dan de VS of Japan en Korea.
Robots moeten nog veel leren, maar dat gebeurt ook. 

Enkele citaten uit FT:
“There is an exponential pace of improvement in hardware and machine learning algorithms,” says co-founder Uriah Baalke. “The computational power required has gone down a lot.” The result is a new class of machines that can operate by themselves in human space, the advance guard of a new robot industry."

“You won’t have to programmatically tell it what to do; it will figure it out,” says Vinod Khosla, a venture capitalist who has backed robot companies in markets including agriculture and healthcare. “Today, it’s really dumb intelligence — but that will change quickly.”

“There isn’t a single mechanical or physical thing a human will be able to do better than a robot,” says Tesla and SpaceX’s Mr Jurvetson.

“Once you ship the device, you can apply more and more intelligence and machine learning,” says Mr Grishin, the Russian robot investor. The trick, he says, will be to find a task that the relatively dumb machines are able to handle, then use knowledge gained in the field to rapidly add to their capabilities and usefulness. “First put them in consumers’ hands, then learn from their behaviour.”

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