17 mei 2010

Trichet vervangen door Chuck Norris!

Chuck Norris doesn't target inflation. He roundhouse-kicks it until it begs for mercy.

The Chuck Norris dollar buys 3 Canadian dollars, and trades at parity with the euro.

Chuck Norris doesn't supply collateral, only collateral damage.

The tears of Chuck Norris would supply enough liquidity to solve the credit crisis. Too bad he never cries.

Chuck Norris doesn't borrow at the Fed's discount window. Chuck Norris LENDS at the Fed's discount window.

Chuck Norris's curves never invert.

Chuck Norris doesn't buy gold to hedge against inflation. Gold buys Chuck Norris to hedge against inflation.

Chuck Norris charges the Bank of England a penalty rate for borrowing. And guarantees its deposits.

Chuck Norris is the pilot Ben Bernanke calls when he wants to shower the economy with dollar bills. Sometimes, Chuck refuses to fly.

Chuck Norris doesn't mark-to-market. The market marks to Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris makes you a price, it isn't an offer; it's an obligation to buy.

Chuck Norris isn't a market maker; he IS the market.

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