De ISM was een tegenvaller (ook een klap voor de gelovers in de Citigroup Surprise Index voor de VS). De consensus zat op 54,5 net als mijn modelletje. Extra slecht was dat orders/ voorraden daalden, waardoor men een lagere ISM volgende maand gaat verwachten. Mijn modelletje ziet nog wel een stijging naar 56 volgende maand.
ISM prijzen was wel omhoog, wat geen verrassing was gezien de stijging van de grondstoffenprijzen.
De PMI’s van andere landen vandaag waren meestal behoorlijk onveranderd waardoor de opgaande trend stokte of zelfs licht omboog.
Toch was de stemming onder de respondenten van de inkoopmanagers van de ISM best wel optimistisch, gezien hun opmerkingen:
• "Business is holding steady. Concern over commodity prices ongoing." (Chemical Products)
• "Still somewhat cautious about recovery. Expecting a good year, but not seeing orders yet." (Machinery)
• "Demand remains consistent to strong on all levels." (Paper Products)
• "Demand from auto makers is getting stronger." (Fabricated Metal Products)
• "Manufacturing is busy. Spending money on new equipment to accommodate customer demands. Material prices are staying in check." (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)
• "There seems to be a much more positive outlook for the economy. Customers are ordering material for stock rather than just working hand-to-mouth." (Fabricated Metal Products)
• "Global GDP softening and beginning to impact the demand chain." (Computer & Electronic Products)
• "Production is busy — several new large projects." (Primary Metals)
• "Customers [are] lowering inventory levels, anticipating price decrease due to third-party published reports on materials." (Plastics & Metal Products)
• "We are optimistic about the U.S. market this year, a little hesitant about what may happen in Europe and unsure about China." (Transportation Equipment)
• "Shipments are increasing over last year. Waiting to see if the trend continues." (Wood Products)
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